The petition, called Free Michelle Rodriguez, is created by Leigh Lewallen and accessible via the actress' official MySpace page.
Claimed to be set up in response to fans who were "outraged" by the 6 months jail sentence and for those who "just want to show love," the petition shows several reasons uttered by fans on why the former "Lost" star doesn't deserve the sentence.
"There is no lesson that Michelle Rodriguez could learn in 180 days that she couldn't learn in 18, or even 8. We do not believe that the imprisonment of this women is a demonstration of justice nor a fair punishment for her crimes. She is a good person," the petition said in its very first beginning.
"The Michelle of today is not the same Michelle of 2 years ago who committed that second DUI, or even the same Michelle of a year ago. She is not perfect, and even she will admit she's made many mistakes, but she's ever evolving, as we all are," it continued. "To us, she is not a celebrity. We do not just support her for her few films or her professional career. We support her as a human being who, flaws included, has demonstrated so much kindness to others."
Click the link above should you're a fan of Rodriguez and willing to sign the petition.
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